Monday, June 23, 2008

Mommy's Day Celebration at School

Andrew had a sweet mommy's day celebration at school the day of Dave's surgery. It was sort of a crazy day. I took the kids to school and then rushed back to the hospital to be with Dave just before his surgery, was able to stay at the hospital just in time to get the update and results from the surgeon and then rush off again to enjoy my son at his program. It is always so amazing to see him light up when I come to see him at school. He just beamed when I walked in the door to his classroom. Here are some really sweet shots of him singing - it is music to my ears. You could hear Andrew above the rest sometimes singing his heart out! It is just too awesome. We shared some ice cream afterwards - it was so fun. What was really funny is that his teacher Mrs. Haymaker had the kids answer a questionnaire about their mommy. The highlight for me (or should I say one of the most embarassing parts for me) was when they asked what your mommy's favorite thing to do is and what is their least favorite thing to do. For the former, Andrew answered sleep (haha - I do work nights you know) and then the latter question was answered by Andrews reply of wake up --- LOLOLOL. He cracked up when the teacher read his replies. It just makes me smile to hear him laugh. Thank you Andrew for a wonderful celebration of me :) It is a true honor and pleasure to be called your mom!