Friday, March 11, 2011

Struggling but why????

I have been struggling for a couple of weeks now. For those that don't know, Dave had surgery and has been recovering for the last 4 weeks or so. That was not why I struggled but I must admit, I was not the caring wife I should have been. Too many times, I was frustrated at how his pain was affecting me. I was more focused on me being tired and having to be mom and dad than on my husband who was going through a really rough time. To make it even harder, even though Dave was in severe pain, God was using it to draw him closer to Him. Not that that is a bad thing by any means but I kept wondering why.... why was I being short, why was I feeling down and miserable, why is our support not being raised as quick as I want it to, why was I struggling to trust God for ALL things, why was I not "feeling" close to Him, why does He allow things to happen that put "our" plans on hold...
Hmm, sounds pretty selfish, doesn't it? All of the thoughts I was having were about me - what I could gain, what I could feel, what could happen for me. Then it hit me...
My time with the Lord was really limited for those weeks - I was not reading my Bible as much, I was not in prayer with my Savior. I was focused on me :(
It amazes me how so many times in my life, I have lost my focus, lost my first love -- not that I am not in awe of a God who has saved me from the pit and despair of Hell, but that I have not given Him first place in my life - in ALL things.
This week has been different for me. God is working in our lives in amazing ways! And you know what, I have been renewed and refreshed from my time with God.
I want to encourage you as well as keep a remembrance for me that our time with God needs to be our absolute #1 priority - our thought as we wake up should be how thankful we are to live another day to serve the One who gave His life for us! I want to hunger and thirst for God - I want to have a yearning so intense that I am not able to function without first spending time with my Savior. I truly want God to permeate my every being and be the woman, wife, mother, missionary, and child that He wants me to be!


Braley Mama said...

Praise God! This always happens to me to, i will get in a funk and then wonder why me??? Then, oh yeah my quiet time has gone out the window:OP
Praying for you sweet friend. Hang on there, you will be here sooner than you know it! Love u!

jo said...

Sweet. Really like your writing. :)

Dave, Krysten, Andrew, and Kira said...

Wow Jo - your sweet comment has truly encouraged me today. Thank you so much!